sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010


1.- What is "The Shining"?
Because there are pleople who can speak in their metality which they may know what will happen, What happened, and what are happing.
2.- Where did the story take place?
A hotel overlook from colorado
3.- Why is the Family there?
Because he got to work there just on winter
4.- Why did Jack go crazy?
Because he got to feel a lot stress becauses his book wasnt finishing and he thinked who his wife was trying out its hotel and to him this hotel was beatiful and interesting and he didnt want out its hotel.
5.- What do you think about the picture at the end?
I dont know i dont understand
6.- Did you like the movie?
Yes i did, i like this movie , it was great and interesting.
7.- Why?
Because i like a lot the movies thriller

PS I had a great time with you guys!!!

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