sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010


1.- What is "The Shining"?
Because there are pleople who can speak in their metality which they may know what will happen, What happened, and what are happing.
2.- Where did the story take place?
A hotel overlook from colorado
3.- Why is the Family there?
Because he got to work there just on winter
4.- Why did Jack go crazy?
Because he got to feel a lot stress becauses his book wasnt finishing and he thinked who his wife was trying out its hotel and to him this hotel was beatiful and interesting and he didnt want out its hotel.
5.- What do you think about the picture at the end?
I dont know i dont understand
6.- Did you like the movie?
Yes i did, i like this movie , it was great and interesting.
7.- Why?
Because i like a lot the movies thriller

PS I had a great time with you guys!!!

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010


Exercise 1 Complete each sentence pair by "reporting" what was said in the first sentence. Fill in any words that are missing:

EX: JOHN: "Go away!"
John told us to go away.

1. MRS. SMITH: "Don't play in front of my window!"
Mrs. Smith told us not to play in front of her window.

2. YOUR MOTHER: "Come back in one hour."
Your mother told me to come back in one hour.

3. TOM: "Call me in the evening."
Tom told us to call him in the evening.

4. YOU: "Come with us!"
They told Mary to come with them.

5. HEATHER: "Don't say that!"
HEATHER told you not to say that.

6. GEORGE: "Feed the cat!"
GEORGE asked his girlfriend to feed the cat.

7. MR. STEPHENS: "Buy me some milk!"
Mr. Stephens told me to buy to him some milk.

8. VICTORIA: "Leave me alone!"
Victoria told her friend to leave her alone.

9. CARL: "Listen to that song."
Carl told us to listen to that song.

10. PETER: "Help me!"
Peter asked us to help him.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

jojoj..ya me acorde jajaja

Put in the relative who, which or whose where necessary.

Example: Peter is the boy ____ rides the blue bike.

Answer: Peter is the boy who rides the blue bike.

1) This is the boy WHO had an accident.
2) Yesterday I saw a car WHICH was really old.
3) Mandy is the girl WHO I met on Friday.
4) I haven't seen Frank, WHOSE brother is five, for a long time now.
5) The robber stole the car WHICH the lady parked in front of the supermarket.
6) This is the man WHOSE house is on fire.
7) Can I talk to the girl WHO is sitting on the bench?
8) The book WHICH you gave me is great.
9) She likes hamburgers WHICH are hot.
10) Bill Clinton, WHO was President of the USA, has only one daughter.

EXERCISE 2 Complete the exercise using either, neither, or both
1. I don't like Italian so I don’t really want to go to EITHER restaurant.
2. I love BOTH of my sisters equally!
3. NEITHER me nor my brother like mushrooms.
4. I can't choose, so please can I have EITHER of them?
5. Please will EITHER you or Philippa buy some milk later?
6. Do EITHER of you have a black dress I can borrow?
7. NEITHER of them want to come with me so I suppose I will have to go by myself.
8. I'm so lucky! I went to BOTH Spain and Tenerife this year!
9. I don't think England or South Africa will win the world cup this year, NEITHER of them.
10. I can't decide what to have for dinner. I think BOTH fish and chips or roast chicken.

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009



THE ICE IS VERY COLD.........................my confortable closet is there are a lot.
THIS DANGER ZONE IS VERY DARK...............the park undido is very famous
THE FAME JESSY IS VERY CRAZY...............the figtheris very dangerous
the internet now is expense................alsska is very icy
the wonder play is very know................the mario game is very adventurous